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[Closed] Poll: About 5 Requests Per Day

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Poll: Should Open 5 Requests Per Day ?

Total votes: 19

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Re: Poll: About 5 Requests Per Day

Post by dnbxxx » Thu Jul 07, 2022 12:00 pm

ok, understandable.
Mutual understanding and gratitude will not be achieved here.
fill out your own requests, without me. that's all. bye.
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Re: Poll: About 5 Requests Per Day

Post by xNxRxGx » Thu Jul 07, 2022 8:33 pm

i do think that some kind of reward system for (prolific) fillers would be fair

but keep in mind there's plenty of leechers who would take advantage of your 5pD suggestion
and then we'd have chaos again which forced admin to LOCK the forum DOWN until older requests got filled or deleted!

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Re: Poll: About 5 Requests Per Day

Post by ElevationOP8 » Sat Jul 09, 2022 6:32 am

I think in this case, the limit of 5 should stay, especially since it has been this way unchanged from the start. Why limit it down at this stage when the forum is still doing ok but a user on it says they personally want more? In saying this, why have a sudden increase also? I would have thought 5 was enough to handle for both requesters and fillers and mods.

We want our requests to be filled don't we all? Therefore putting out as many as can be taken in makes some sense. I think getting the timing is more essential to the balance than amount of requests, although there still needs to be a good number that encourages users to post requests, knowing that they will be filled by active users, that keeps the forum moving. Too little actually decreases then efforts of the fillers and the less filling, the more desire to request goes up while the fillers run the movement of the topics seen and have little reason to spend time filling.
aGGyunit wrote:
Wed Jul 06, 2022 7:12 am
Are you still going to lock the forum when there's 200/300 or so active requests like in the past? With the 5/day you will hit this very quickly.

I'm all for more requests, but do remember this will increase your workload and open the door for a crapload of requests ;)
T87.Rave wrote:
Wed Jul 06, 2022 5:09 pm
if the board decided for the 30 day then i think it will good for the request section but again increase the workload. :|
xNxRxGx wrote:
Wed Jul 06, 2022 10:41 pm

if you are lucky enough you can get all your 5 Reqs filled in couple hours and open new ones in the same afternoon lol

your way could potentially have couple 100s of unfilled reqs in less than a week by, lets say on the downlow, 10 members, thats 1000 reqs in 7days.. thats 20pages

how many ppl (fillers even) you think goes beyond page 3 or 5?
xNxRxGx raises a good point which should be looked at more, having pages of requests backed up, contributes to the workload of the mods as T87.Rave said.
What is required is balance, however this balance requires activity from both requesters and fillers, and a decent amount of requests which are not above the level of 3 to 7 days or longer to remain unfilled. I think this has been happening rather well recently.
Fillers are not here all the time 24/7, so remembering the reqs have to be responsibly put up and having the 5 rule has got that covered at the present.

Fillers are spending more time filling than requesting, so I'm not sure, despite the generous gesture it would be, if it would actually reward them in the right way. On XPRM, they use on their sub-forum a currency style system, fill a req, get tokens that contribute to a req post.
I like how here that is not the case, because the favour is put too much on certain requests over others which may hardly get made, and this forum is currently encouraging everyone to have atleast something, however it is how to manage this which is what is being the issue discussed. This forum for one, is a contrast to that, which is better for this forum.
PandaBear wrote:
Thu Jul 07, 2022 6:59 am
I voted no. Not because I'm not for a change, but because you act like an entitled prick.
Remember voting simply because you think it's going to backfire on "an entitled prick" isn't a constructive or contributive way of answering a question for the rest of its users. It seems many are open to more reqs, but also acknowledges there is a certain amount and way to which they do and have no issues working along with it.
dnbxxx wrote:
Thu Jul 07, 2022 5:26 am
admin lay out nicknames who voted no. I will never fill out their requests.

but most likely, if nothing changes next week, I will finally stop filling in and leave the site.
This is a community forum which revolves around the contributions aswell as efforts you make. I understand you have huge amounts of reqs and you fill many at the same time which helps, but the rule of a limit here is for throttle purposes, and to prevent the work that the mods have to continuously analyse and move. To every req posted, and every fill you make - how often it is filled (which the discussion in the other topic is suggesting to try increase) - means some time forward, a mod will have to specifically move it over to the filled section every time (this is done as soon as it is possible). If you req as many as you like a day, and everyone could too, the mods will be spending most of their time on your posts alone, and the forum might aswell at that point be called "".

Why are you demanding things to be made different so you can post more at the same time? I'd like to know.
Here's one temp solution for you: post 5 requests, then focus on filling 5 requests. If all 5 requests are either filled or moved to archives, do another 5 reqs and fill another 5 until the same thing happens.
I just can't see why you need to do this all in the space of 5 minutes, because it seems like to me you couldn't even make one request per 5 minutes if that was the rule.
Hunter wrote:
Wed Jul 06, 2022 9:39 pm
I voted for increasing the limit, but maybe 5 a day will be too much. We can try, for example, 3 a day at the beginning. If it turns out that this doesn't significantly increase the load, then we can increase it again to 5. But it seems to me that this can be done ONLY if we also shorten time needed to move unfilled REQs to Archive.
Which option is that? :lol: - the top/bottom one? :P
That's a good focus on the forum... There needs to be a solution befitting the mods, users and forum flow. I don't think 5 request a time is too much of a hassle, but it can get hectic for mods all the time. That's why they insist through the rules on tagging the topic title yourself and doing your own housekeeping on what you post etc.
Maybe therein lies the focus a little? Do more work for yourself and take responsibility of what you request more? :o

Agree managing the request forum cycle is important before this question is.
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Re: Poll: About 5 Requests Per Day

Post by ElevationOP8 » Sat Jul 09, 2022 6:52 am

Just some thoughts on how to better fit in with the rules, for those who need it...
Method of attempting to meet forum rules and be happy with yourself aswell as for those who cannot manage temperance #1:
Post something you have a strong sense is likely to be hard to fill, then post an easy one if you have, followed by hard, easy, hard or easy. Thereby allowing the easy posts to free up posts in req, and giving you the extra room needed to expand the allowance. You would have to be a pretty good mod if you can notice after doing this for some time if you have broken the 5 limit.

Method of attempting to meet forum rules and be happy with yourself aswell as for those who cannot manage temperance #2:
If the limit doesn't carry over to archive forum, and if unfilled posts get to the archives quicker than they do currently which could be a thing soon, as is mentioned in the other poll topic, then... this puts more emphasis on the requests you can make. So make a few requests, then go and fill archive requests or join in discussion in the general section.

Method of attempting to meet forum rules and be happy with yourself aswell as for those who cannot manage temperance #3:
Visit the forum every 2nd day, or extend that out as you wish, so that way, if you happen to be high on substances like some (metaphorically, or not), that you must post soo many at the same time that even the mods can't keep up, then maybe make a rule for yourself in this case; visit the forum evey 5 days at a time, :lol:

I think users need to consider what they are putting up for request, whether it is one that they know is actually difficult to find, is not commonly found on the predb, and that others would likely have.
The whole idea of this forum is to go beyond filling requests, and fill out difficult ones as the focus, however at the same time this is a requesting forum aswell.

How do you know how many requests are active at a time from the user's pov? I think that if a feature was to be more infront of the user, specific to the request section, they will be more aware and more likely to get the limit for themselves right. There's too much guessing going on and some apparently can't figure it out for themselves.

There are some things that forums can't do feature wise, so at this time, it is up to the users themselves to think about how well they are keeping within the rules, and taking some responsibility - everyone - so that the forum can work for all. Also understand that the admins are also doing things themselves to keep the forum from being disfunctional and don't rely on automatic features aswell.
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